Wednesday 2 January 2013

My Favourite Songs of 2012 #1-10

10. Purity Ring - Belispeak
If you get the chance then you should really go check out a Purity Ring show. It's super strange and even more addictive. As soon as the first bass drops then everyone in the crowd immediately turned into zombies. They owned us. It was a tough call for my favourite song off of 'Shrines'.

Granma, I've been unruly,
In my dreams and with my speech.
Drill little holes into my eyelids
That I might see you,
That I might see you in my sleep.

9. King Tuff - Keep on Movin'
How could I not throw a King Tuff song into the mix this year? Such a simple rock tune but I guarantee that you will be singing this in the shower tomorrow.

You do the Frankenstein,
That's why you look so fine.
I do the spanish fly,
That's how I make you mine.

8. TV Torso - Clear Lake Strangler
Thinking back, TV Torso was probably the biggest find of the year. Keep it up kids. A handful of your songs made it onto my playlists over the past few months but 'Clear Lake Strangler' was my fav. The driving beat throughout the song makes for an incredible steer-wheel-banging road-tripping companion.

7. Baobab - Spring Forward
This song is a could be the soundtrack to it's own adventure movie. All the hand-clapping goodness coupled with the trippy vocals. Wait, what was that? A mandolin solo? Holy crap, is that a mandolin solo on top of people chanting? Mind...blown...

6. New Animal - Falling Up
Bit of a surprise here. The more I listened to this song (which was a LOT), the higher it moved up my list. I'm not super familiar with a lot of New Animal tracks (yet) but they have found a great combination of dreamy vocals and welcoming guitar riffs. If you live in a rainy city then plan to be listening to this song on your next stroll. If you live close to a beach and this wasn't on your 2012 list then make it the first addition to your 2013 Beach Playlist.

5. First Aid Kit - King of the World (feat Connor Oberst)
There were a few bands that could have have cracked the Top 50 a few times...First Aid Kit was definitely one of them. Throw in a little Connor Oberst and you have yourself a winner. Chicken dinner?

I need a trip, a trip's what I need
Simmer and sip, as cool as can be

That pretty much sums up the last 12 months of my life...I need a trip. Throw in some tongue-clicks and a nice little bass line and I'm pretty much in ear-drummy heaven. If you like it then make sure to pick up a Vacationer much fun.

3. Yellow Ostrich - Marathon Runner
Big fan. A very big fan of their work. If When you get a chance, go see Yellow Ostrich play live. If you thought Merrill Garbus knew how to work the looping foot pedals then you will be blown away with what these dudes can do. Endless layers of vocals and guitars and drums. So much talent. Again, there were a handful of songs from 'Strange Land' that could have made this list. Tough call.

2. Lord Huron - She Lit a Fire
Lord Huron's album 'Lonesome Dreams' is to 2012 what Beirut's 'Rip Tide' was to 2011...personally speaking of course. So many great tracks that are fitting for all occasions. A nice evening playing board games, driving, bath time, wine time, bath & wine time, pizza eating, sitting on a bus, writing emails, get my drift. This is my favourite song from the album...but that could easily change next time I give it a listen.

1. Dirty Projectors - Dance For You
So awesome. Start to finish. I vividly remember the first time I heard this song. My buddy Trevor put it on and I instantly knew it would be on my playlists for years to come. I obviously didn't let on that I liked it at the time just to save some face. Since this was my first exposure to the Dirty Projectors I was pretty excited to dive into their previous albums. Such a unique style and sound. Not much else I can say about 'Dance For You', it's perfect.